Home > @plotex/chart-def > IAnnotationLabelStyle

IAnnotationLabelStyle interface#

Sets the style for the annotation's label.

export interface IAnnotationLabelStyle


backgroundColor?string(Optional) Background color for the annotation label.
borderColor?string(Optional) Border Color of the label.
borderRadius?number(Optional) Border-radius of the label.
borderWidth?number(Optional) Border width of the label.
font?IFontConfig(Optional) Font for the annotation label.
offsetX?number(Optional) Sets the left offset for annotation label.
offsetY?number(Optional) Sets the top offset for annotation label.
orientation?"vertical" | "horizontal"(Optional) Orientation of the label. Only affects annotations on the X axis.
padding?IPadding(Optional) Padding for the annotation label.
position?"left" | "right" | "top" | "bottom"(Optional) Position of the lablel.
text?string(Optional) Default text for the annotation.
textAnchor?"start" | "middle" | "end"(Optional) The alignment of text relative to label’s drawing position