Home > @plotex/chart-def > IAnnotationStyle

IAnnotationStyle interface#

A style that can be applied to an annotation.

export interface IAnnotationStyle


fillColor?string(Optional) Fill Color of the region when the second value is supplied for an annotation.
label?IAnnotationLabelStyle(Optional) Sets the style for the annotation's label.
lineColor?string(Optional) Color of the annotation line.
lineLength?string | number(Optional) Sets the length for aN annotation line on the Y axis. Doesn't apply to the X axis.
offsetX?number(Optional) Sets the left offset for annotation line.
offsetY?number(Optional) Sets the top offset for annotation line.
opacity?number(Optional) Opacity of the filled region.
strokeDashArray?number(Optional) Creates dashes in borders of the SVG path. A higher number creates more space between dashes in the border.