Home > @plotex/chart-def > IPlotConfig

IPlotConfig interface#

Defines the chart.

export interface IPlotConfig


annotations?IAnnotationStyles(Optional) Named styles that can be applied to annotations.
chartType?ChartType | ChartTypeString(Optional) The type of chart to render. This is the global type of the chart, you can also set the chart type individually for each data series,
dataLabels?IDataLabels(Optional) Configure data labels for the whole chart.
height?number | string(Optional) Height of the plot. eg 100px, 100%, 100, etc
legend?ILegendConfig(Optional) Configure the chart's legend.
series?ISeriesConfigMap(Optional) Lookup table for configuration of named data series. Add an enty for each series you want to configure.
title?IChartTitle(Optional) Sets the title for the chart.
width?number | string(Optional) Width of the plot. eg 100px, 100%, 100, etc
x?IXAxisConfig(Optional) Configuration for the x axis.
y?IYAxisConfig(Optional) Configuration for the y axis.
y2?IYAxisConfig(Optional) Configuration for the second y axis.