Home > plot > IPlotConfig

IPlotConfig interface#

Defines the configuration for the chart.

export interface IPlotConfig


annotations?IAnnotationStyles(Optional) Named styles that can be applied to annotations.
chartType?ChartType | ChartTypeString(Optional) The type of chart to render. Default to "line".
dataLabels?IDataLabels(Optional) Configure data labels for the whole chart.
height?number | string(Optional) Sets the height of the plot. Default to 600 pixels.
legend?ILegendConfig(Optional) Configures the chart's legend.
series?ISeriesConfigMap(Optional) Configuration for each data series.
title?IChartTitle(Optional) Sets the title for the chart.
width?number | string(Optional) Sets the width of the plot. Default to 800 pixels.
x?IXAxisConfig(Optional) Configures the x axis.
y?IYAxisConfig(Optional) Configures the y axis.
y2?IYAxisConfig(Optional) Configures the second y axis.